• Surface is slip resistant.
• Rest platforms are provided where the ramp exceeds 9 mtrs in length.
• Level platform 1.2 mtr X 1.2 mtr are provided at the head of ramp in front of the entrance door.
• External level platform is to be level with the inside of the house.
• Recommended gradient not steeper than 1:20.
• Minimum width of ramp 1.2 mtr.
• Kerb provided on any exposed side of ramp/platform. Kerb should be a minimum of 75mm high.
• Handrail, approximately 900mm-750mm high, should be provided on exposed and or both sides of ramp.
If you are interested in adapting your home, click here to fill out an enquiry and schedule a meeting with our staff.
We can also be contacted at 042-9332831 and would be happy to meet with you.
Grants are available to carry out this work. check out: http://www.louthcoco.ie/en/Services/Housing/Grants